My Passions

Animal Cruelty

I've always adored animals. I think I like them even more than people sometimes! Being closer to nature is important to me and it's a big part of the reason my family and I moved to Maine. When I was younger, I volunteered at an animal shelter because I was desperate to prove to my parents that I could handle a pet of my own. I proved that, but at the same time, I saw how many animals were surrendered or saved from horrible situations and just how sick those animals were. The first pet I ever brought home was one of those puppies that were brought in from a former puppy mill. The poor girl wasn't expected to survive and I was so afraid for her. The minute she was given the all-clear, I had to take her home because I couldn't risk the chance of her going into another unsafe situation after everything she'd been through. Ever since then, I've been a staunch believer in helping animals and supporting shelters so they can save more lives!

Child Protection

The Internet and social media have become part of daily life for many kids and teens. Their whole lives are online, even sometimes their schooling! It's not feasible anymore to just keep kids offline for their safety, but it's more important than ever to monitor their online usage and ensure they're safely using the Internet and social media. Take the time to learn more about what to look out for while you're kids are familiarizing themselves with technology that connects them to the wide world, so in case of unsafe situations, your kids feel comfortable talking to you so you can intervene before things get worse!

Still Under Construction

This little website of mine is an act of love that takes plenty of time to get right and unlike keeping kids and animals safe, web design isn't exactly a passion of mine! It's been fun to learn in my spare time, especially to create something I can share with the world, but I wouldn't say I actively seek out extra resources whenever I can to learn more. So please bear with me as I grow and slowly change this website to fit my passions and ever-changing loves.